
Rules & Regulations

The following rules and regulations will be implemented at the Infinite Drop High Diving Competitions.

World Aquatics High Diving Rules

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From 2020 on, we will implement the World Aquatics High Diving Rules (2023) for all our competitions. This includes the World Aquatics Degree of Difficulty for the heights of 12, 15 and 20m, too. Additionally, we will use the World Aquatics Judging Rules for the competitions. The World Aquatics Facility and Safety Rules will be adopted as far as our locations and the given infrastructure allow.

World Aquatics (2024), Competition Regulations and Degree of Difficulty
World Aquatics (2023), By-Laws
Swiss Aquatics Diving (2019), Schweizerische Meisterschaften High Diving

Synchronized High Diving Rules

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Infinite Drop is the first in the world to hold Synchronized High Diving Competitions. The regulations have been put together by Infinite Drop, using the World Aquatics Rules as a model.

1. General rules

The competition shall comprise of three (3) dives from at least two (2) different take-off groups. One (1) required dive with a maximum degree of difficulty (DD) of 2.6, and two (2) dives without limit of DD.

Women and men can dive in mixed teams. Furthermore, participants from different countries can compete together. Both divers must dive off the same height. The divers can perform “pin wheel dives” (contrary movement, e.g. front + inward / back + reverse). These dives will not be counted as two different dive groups; but the easier dive group applies regarding the DD.

If the DD of a required dive is less than 2.6, the calculated DD will be used. If the divers perform a dive above 2.6, they will only receive 2.6.

Due to safety reasons, no handstand dives will be allowed during the competition.

If the dive numbers of two dives are the same and only the execution is different, then the dives will be counted as the same dive.

In view of the number of athletes at a competition, the committee and judges can decide on an elimination procedure.

The athletes can choose from five (5) different dive groups:

  • 1 | Forward
  • 2 | Back
  • 3 | Reverse
  • 4 | Inward
  • 5 | Twisting

2. Judging

Seven (7) international judges observe each dive and independently award scores unrelated to the dive’s difficulty. The score range is 0–10 points, with 1/2 marks in between. Three (3) judges are judging only the synchronicity of the divers. The highest and lowest marks are eliminated. The other four (4) judges are judging only the execution of the individual dives (two (2) judges per diver). The highest and the lowest score are eliminated.

The judges need to take care of: (deductions of 0,5–2 points can be given)

  • The stance, strength of the takeoff and same takeoff height.
  • The coordination and flexibility in the air.
  • Same angle of dip when hitting the water.
  • Same distance to the platform.
  • Simultaneity of the entry.

3. Points

In total there are three (3) individual scores remaining from the judges. The sum of the remaining scores is multiplied with the degree of difficulty to determine the final points awarded for each dive.

If one of the athletes hits the water, before the other athlete have left the platform, both divers will achieve zero (0) points.

If one of the divers will show a failed dive, both divers will achieve zero (0) points.

3.1. Take Off

Regarding the takeoff, the judges have to pay attention to its height, angle, position and determination.

3.2. Positions

Regarding the athlete’s positions the judges will have to pay attention to the clarity of the announced position. In tuck or pike position, they will have observe if the legs of the athletes are closed.

  • A | Layout
  • B | Pike (min. 90° body angle)
  • C | Tuck (hands must grip lower legs)
  • D | Free
  • E | 3 positions
  • F | Split (clear visible layout position)
  • (1) | Flying (clear layout position of > 90°)

3.3. Water Entrance

Athletes have to keep their arms downwards during the feet first water entrance.

  • 1st priority | Untwisted vertical straightness and body strength
  • 2nd priority | Water splash

3.4. Deductions

  • Deduction of 0.5–1.0 | Entry correction (slight pike position)
  • Deduction of 0.5–2.0 | Open legs in B or C position
  • Deduction of 0.5–2.0 | Different stance and/or strength of takeoff, different takeoff height
  • Deduction of 0.5–2.0 | Different immersion angles at water entry
  • Deduction of 0.5–2.0 | Different distance to the platform
  • Deduction of 0.5–2.0 | Non-simultaneous entry
  • Deduction of 0.5–3.0 | Twisted water entry < 45°
  • Deduction of 1.0 | Non-execution of the dive, 1st attempt
  • Deduction of 2.0 | Non-execution of the dive, 2nd attempt
  • Max. Score of 6.5 | Twisted water entry (45°–90°)
  • Max. Score of 5.0 | Touching the platform during the dive
  • Max. Score of 4.5 | Flying position is shown less than 90° in a straight position
  • Max. Score of 4.5 | One diver shows a wrong position in the air
  • Max. Score of 4,5 | Wrong arm position during water entrance
  • Score of 0.0 | Divers don’t show at least two (2) different takeoff groups
  • Score of 0.0 | Twisted water entrance > 90°
  • Score of 0.0 | Non-execution of the dive, 3rd attempt
  • Score of 0.0 | Variation of the announced dive
  • Score of 0.0 | Exceeding the 2 minutes time limit
  • Score of 0.0 | One diver entries the water before the other has left the platform
  • Score of 0.0 | Performance of a wrong or failed dive
  • Score of 0.0 | (Feet first dives only): hands or head touch the water before the feet


In case a performed dive raises concern (e.g. the athlete didn’t execute the dive he announced), all judges will render their uninfluenced scores. The Head Judge will inform the officials on the raised concern and the circumstances will be addressed after the competition, prior to the awards ceremony/prize money distribution. The Head Judge, the Infinite Drop technical director, elected during the pre-event meeting, and the athlete will together review the situation and come to a final decision. All video material will be submitted for observation.


In case that an athlete, a judge or an Infinite Drop official recognises a failed dive, an error or an irregularity that could have influence on the ranking, he can announce a protest to the Infinite Drop board. This protest must be presented in written form no later than two hours after the last dive and must contain a complete description of the occurrence. The Head Judge, the Infinite Drop technical director, elected during the pre-event meeting, and the athlete will together decide whether the protest is reasonable. All video material will be submitted under such circumstances.

DD calculator

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Use this calculator to find out the DD for any dive!

Developed by Hessel Bierma from Duplexx Development.


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Association & Board members

The association Infinite Drop High Diving was founded in December 2018. Its goal is the organisation of High Diving competitions, shows and events. The association’s statutes can be read online.

Andreas Hulliger

[email protected]

Jan Heinzel

[email protected]

Anne Meister

[email protected]

Stefanie Hulliger

[email protected]

Felix Staudt

Events & Print
[email protected]


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Art. 1 – Name, registered offices and legal form

Infinite Drop High Diving (hereafter called “Infinite Drop”) is a politically and religiously neutral association in the sense of Art. 60 ff of the Swiss Civil Code (CC). Infinite Drop’s domicile is at the association’s office.

Art. 2 – Purpose

Infinite Drop is a sports association for promoting High Diving and organising High Diving competitions, shows, workshops and similar.

Infinite Drop serves its purpose by:

  1. Technical regulations
  2. Selection of athletes, jury members, sponsors and media
  3. Determination of event locations
  4. Execution of High Diving events
  5. Presentation of High Diving in diverse media

Within the framework of its purpose, Infinite Drop can conclude all essential legal transactions, notably let itself be represented by agencies; acquire and sell real estates, as well as administer the association’s funds (or let them be administered) and establish partnerships.

Art. 3 – Area of Activity

The area of activity of Infinite Drop is worldwide.

Art. 4 – Organisation

The association’s organs are:

  1. the general assembly
  2. the board
  3. the auditors

Art. 5 – Funds

The association is funded by the following means:

  1. Proceeds of the execution of events
  2. Income from performance agreements
  3. Earnings from sponsorships
  4. Contributions and subventions provided by public authorities
  5. Donations and grants of any kind
  6. Membership fees

Art. 6 – Business Year

Each business year starts on 1 January and ends on 31 December of the same year.

Art. 7 – Liability

Liable for the association’s commitments, is solely the wealth of the association; the personal liability of the members is excluded. 

Art. 8 – Data Protection

Based on Article 13 of the Federal Constitution and the provisions of federal data protection legislation, everyone has the right to the protection of their privacy, as well as to protection from misuse of their personal details. 

Infinite Drop complies with these provisions by:

  1. Treating personal data strictly confidential and not selling them to third parties
  2. Exclusively passing along personal data with the consent of the concerned party
  3. Deleting contact information whenever requested by the concerned party in writing
  4. In close collaboration with the hosting partner, endeavouring to protect the databases against attacks, loss, misuse or falsification as good as possible. 

Art. 9 – Membership

Membership is open to all persons and organisations that are interested in reaching the association’s purpose.

Following membership categories are available:

  1. Individual members are natural entities with voting and election rights that exploit the offerings and facilities of the association and/or actively support the purpose of the association.
  2. Organisational members are legal entities without voting and election rights that support the association’s purpose.
  3. Honorary members are natural entities that have notably supported the association. Honorary members are natural entities without voting and election rights, but the right of participation in general assemblies only. Honorary membership can be conferred by the general assembly upon recommendation of the board.

Art. 10 – Membership Fee

The general assembly can decide upon a possible membership fee. In the event of resignation or expulsion (Art. 15), membership fees already paid will not be refunded.

Art. 11 – Members Rights

Provided a member attends to its duties (Art. 12), it has following rights:

  1. Members with voting and election rights can participate in the general assembly. They are entitled to receive the agenda in advance as well as being invited to the general assembly in a timely manner.
  2. Members dispose of voting and election rights at the general assembly according to their membership category (Art. 9).
  3. According to the membership category (Art. 9) and the respective conditions of participation, members can take part in competitions, workshops and events.
  4. When selecting athletes for competitions or requesting divers for shows, members that are active High Divers will enjoy an advantage.

Art. 12 – Members Duties

Infinite Drop members have following duties:

  1. Fulfilling all financial obligations to the association
  2. Adhering to the Ethics Charta of the Olympic Committee
  3. Meeting all other obligations that are the result of these statutes or other regulations of Infinite Drop

If the above commitments are contravened by a member, this will lead to sanctions as per these statutes. 

Art. 13 – Newsletter

Within the framework of the available means, the association considers the publication of a newsletter for the association’s members as well as interested third parties.

Art. 14 – Membership Application

Membership applications are to be addressed to the board. The board discusses the admission of new members and informs the general assembly accordingly.

Art. 15 – Resignation and Expulsion

Membership expires upon:

  1. Resignation (resignation may take place at any time)
  2. Expulsion for “important reasons”. The board is responsible for the expulsion. The concerned person can lodge a complaint against the board’s decision at the general assembly. In case of a complaint, the general assembly decides upon the expulsion by means of a 2/3-majority of the votes cast. Important reasons are namely:
    1. Gross violation of the by-laws, regulations or association resolutions
    2. Not meeting the financial obligations despite two written notices
    3. Damaging the reputation or interests of Infinite Drop due to behaviour
    4. Gross violation of the Ethics Charta of the Olympic Committee
  3. Death

Art. 16 – General Assembly

The general assembly constitutes the supreme body of the association. It consists of all members with voting and election rights and takes place annually. Upon requirement, the board can call an extraordinary assembly. The board decides upon time and place of the assembly.

The general assembly is conducted by the board’s president or another member of the board. Decisions made by the general assembly are passed by a plurality of the votes cast unless otherwise provided in these statutes. In the event of a tie, the board’s president has the casting vote. The voting is performed with a raising of hands. Voting by proxy is not possible.

Members will be invited to the general assembly in writing, at least two weeks prior. Invitations via e-mail are valid. Every proposal made by a member at least 10 days prior to the assembly in writing has to be placed on the agenda (of the regular or extraordinary general assembly).

Art. 17 – Duties of the General Assembly

The general assembly is responsible for following duties:

  1. Approval of the last general assembly’s protocol
  2. Approval and modification of the statutes
  3. Election of board members and auditors
  4. Determination of the focus and management of the association’s activities
  5. Approval of reports, financial statements and budgetary decisions
  6. Deciding upon discharging board members and auditors
  7. Determination of the annual membership fee
  8. Statement regarding other projects on the agenda
  9. The general assembly can comment on (or asked to comment on) every topic that has not be consigned to another organ

Art. 18 – Board

The board consists of at least three members, each elected by the general assembly for a two year period. Re-election is permitted. The board constitutes itself. The board meets as often as the association’s business requires.

Contrary to members with voting and election rights, a board member can only resign at the end of the financial year as of 31 December. In the case of withdrawal of a board member, the residual board can determine an ad-interim board member. The ad-interim board member has to be approved by the next general assembly.

Art. 19 – Duties of the Board

The board is responsible for following duties:

  1. Implementation and execution of resolutions adopted by the general assembly
  2. Leading of the association and taking all measurements necessary for the attainment of the association’s purpose
  3. Decision in all questions that are not explicitly reserved for the general assembly
  4. Convocation of ordinary and extraordinary general assemblies
  5. Decision of acceptance and withdrawal as well as the possible expulsion of members
  6. Controlling compliance with the statutes, constitution of regulations and administration of the association’s funds
  7. Accounting of the association
  8. Engaging (and dismissing) paid staff as well as volunteers of the association. The board can assign temporary work contracts to all members as well as external parties.

Art. 20 – Signing Authority

The association is obligated by sole signature of a board member.

Art. 21 – Honorary Activities

Board members perform their duties  on an honorary basis. Repayment of expenses is reserved.

Art. 22 – Audit

An audit of the annual financial statement takes place if required by law or demanded by the general assembly.

Art. 23 – Auditor

If an audit takes place according to Art. 22, the general assembly elects two auditors or one legal entity that inspect the accounting and perform occasional checks at least once a year. The auditor will submit reports and propositions to the board, for the attention of the general assembly. Their term of office is two years. Re-election is permitted.

Art. 24 – Obligation

For all members, bodies, functions and employees of Infinite Drop, following is obligatory: 

  • Statutes and regulations of Infinite Drop
  • Decrees, resolutions or provisions of the bodies and their departments, provided that they are responsible according to the statutes, regulations or by decree of the competent body

Art. 25 – Dissolution

The dissolution of the association is decided by the general assembly and requires a 2/3-majority of the votes cast. Provided the association is in possession of assets, they will be transferred to an organisation with similar purpose.

Art. 26 – Validity

These statutes have been accepted at the founding assembly on 29 March 2022.

Thun, 30 March 2022

Facts & Figures

Learn all about the sport of High Diving! From records over technical data to the history – all information on the sport can be found here!


What is the world’s highest dive?

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Men: In 2015, Swiss-Brazilian Lazaro Schaller took the record for the highest dive from 58.80m at the Cascata del Salto in Ticino, Switzerland.

Women: In 1985, the American Lucy Wardle dove at Ocean Park in Hongkong from 36.80 m.

What is the world’s most difficult dive?

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Men: In 2021, during the FINA High Diving Qualifier held as part of the Abu Dhabi Aquatics Festival, Aidan Heslop from Great Britain performed a Forward 4 Somersaults 3 1/2 Twists Pike (5187B) from 27m with a degree of difficulty of 6.2. Aidan secured the gold medal with this dive.

Women: In 2021, during the FINA High Diving Qualifier held as part of the Abu Dhabi Aquatics Festival, both Meili Carpenter from the USA and Iris Schmidbauer from Germany performed a Backward 3 Somersaults 2 Twists Pike (5264B) from 27m with a degree of difficulty of 4.3. Meili ended the competition in 6th place, Iris finished 11th.

Technical data

What heights are men and women diving from?

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~18–23 meters for women / ~22–27 meters for men

What is the entry speed of the divers?

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75–100 km/h

How deep are the divers going into the water after entry?

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2.5–4.5 meters

How long is the free fall?

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~3 seconds

How much harder is the impact compared to a 10 meter dive?

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9 times harder than from the 10meter platform

How strong are the physical forces the divers have to endure?

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Shortly up to 100 G

General information

What are the requirements to become a High Diver?

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A strong technical education and many years of experience in diving or a similar acrobatic sport are the main prerequisites for a high diver. Other necessary strengths include courage, self-confidence, extraordinary physical control and the ability to make decisions within fractions of a second based on the following impulses: sight, space, time and experience. Most athletes reach their maximum technical skill and psychical maturity at an age of around 30.

What are the risks in High Diving?

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The body is exposed to enormous forces during a high dive, especially during entrance into the water. As tired muscles can lead to injuries, athletes perform only a limited number of dives during a single practice session or competition.

The moment of the highest risk is upon entry in the water: While the parts of the body under water are in highest deceleration, the rest of the body above the water is still in full acceleration. The athlete must be at maximum strength and muscle tightness upon entry, to avoid compression or contortion of the body or its parts by the toughness of the water.

It can be assumed that a high diver with experience will not land horizontally. Making a crash-landing into water at 26 m could be analogized to the same landing on the street at 13 m.

High diving over 28 meters is in principle not justifiable. Due to the rapid acceleration there is nearly no time benefit in dives of additional distance, but the risk of injury is greatly increased with each additional meter.


Where are the roots of High Diving?

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The real roots of cliff diving are found at Kaunolu, on the Hawaiian island of Lana´i

Back in 1770, Kahekili (1710-1794) the last indepen­dent king of Maui and chief of four islands was famous for “lele kawa”, which in English means: Leaping off high cliffs and entering the water feet first without a splash.

In order to prove their courage and loyalty, Kahekili forced his nakoa (warriors) to follow his example, jumping of the leap into the royal waters at Kaunolu.

One generation later, under King Kamehameha I, the Hawaiians practiced “lele kawa” in competition. Judgment was passed on the style of the dive and the amount of splash on entry.

Kahekili’s leap at Kaunolu has always been regarded as holy, although the tradition of lele kawa became forgotten for a long time.

Myths from Acapulco

La Quebrada, or “The Break”, is the name of the famous rock in Acapulco. In 1934, the 13 year old Enrique Apac Rios jumped off for the first time in history.

Several mortal injuries and exaggerated spot heights have made a mystical tourist attraction out of a former fishing village.

In fact, the top level dive is 26.5 meters high, the lower level 21 meters. The rock profile together with the shallow water (maximum 4 m depth) are making this jump extremely dangerous.

Is something missing here?

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